From its inception, Thrive has been blessed with great community partners. Through these partnerships, lives have been transformed, families have been strengthened, and communities have been enriched. Below are some of our key partners.

Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.
— James Cash Penney

Strategic Partners:

Community Partners:

  • Amazing Grace Advocacy

    Amazing Grace Advocacy provide navigation and support for families with children who are struggling with the challenges of Autism, Intellectual Disabilities, and other Brain Disorders.

  • Autism Charlotte

    Autism Charlotte is a local non-profit foundation dedicated to addressing the needs of families in our community dealing with autism through inclusion-based programs.

  • Down Syndrome Association of Charlotte

    The Down Syndrome Association of Charlotte (DSAC) is a non-profit, family support organization. The goal of the DSAC and it's families is to enable individuals with Down syndrome (Ds) to reach their full potential and become respected members of their community.

  • Exceptional Children's Assistence Center

    ECAC is dedicated to empowering families and improving lives, particularly for North Carolina families raising children ages 0 to 26 with disabilities. As a non-profit organization operated by and staffed primarily with parents of children with disabilities, we understand the needs of families as they navigate the special education process. We are here to assist all children in accessing a free and appropriate education.

I can do things you cannot. You can do things I cannot; Together we can do great things .
— Mother Teresa